Featured In
Helen has been featured in numerous publications and podcasts.
Career Therapy Podcast - Rewrite Your Story
Career Therapy Podcast - Rewrite Your Story
Get In Touch With Helen
If you are a media professional with an enquiry or invitation to appear on your podcast, be a guest writer, or speak live, please email me by filling out the form to the right. I’d love to hear from you! Please include as much information as possible. All requests will be considered in the order received and as quickly as possible.
Thank you!

Enough about me... let's focus on you!
Thank you for your time spent reading this far. I’m guessing you have your own crossroads in sight and I’m glad you found me. I hope we get to talk soon about some of those things holding you back and make a plan to ACT so what you do strongly aligns to who you are!
Not sure where to start? Or how to discover what’s holding you stuck? Find out what next steps will see you building towards Aligned Career Transformation.

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Where I share a steady stream of career redesign tips, thought-provoking articles and guidance you can act on to make Aligned, Career Transformation as well as special offers exclusively for my community.
Sign up to get FREE access to the Introduction of my bestselling book, Unstuck and a framework to help you get into action with four steps to making meaningful career change.